#962 - The Crystal Ship :: The Doors
“The days are bright,
and filled with pain,
enclose me in your gentle rain.”
When I was 19 I fell in love with Jim Morrison, and The Doors.
I’m pretty sure my Mom found it amusing, at the time, since she’d been such a huge fan of them herself, at about the same age, if not a wee bit younger.
I remember watching VHS tapes of The Doors live at the Hollywood Bowl, and a behind-the-scenes documentary, listening to their albums pretty much non-stop, and reading books of Jim’s poetry. Then the film came out a few years later, when I was 22, and I fell again.
Sometimes I think their music is just a little part of my bloodstream, passed through from my Mom, and her love of their music.
This has always been one of my favorites of their songs…I love it, and still do.
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