Keep Art Alive :: The 10 Questions Project :: Nina Friday
1. What music (or other art form) inspires you when you create your art?
I have quite a collection of music, but most inspirational is my classical selection of Mozart, Vivaldi, etc, as well as my good old Russian 80's underground music, KINO, NOL' , etc
2. Long-distance road trip: What three people do you invite along (Fictional or non-fictional, dead or alive)?
Hmm, well, for sure my dear Rick Ruiners, my dear friend Claudia Leo and Hawkeye Pierce :)
3. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
I'm always on a run , so I take my breakfast in a snack bar form.
4. What is one thing that is currently hanging on your bedroom wall?
A vintage clock that doesn't work. :)
5. What smell/scent evokes strong memories for you?
Spring air filled with blooming lilac.
6. Coffee or tea?
Morning - coffee, night -tea. :)
7. What has been the most impacting compliment, or criticism, you have ever received?
It usually comes from my biggest fan -Rick, if something is not working -he tells just how it is, first I get mad , then I am grateful I listened, that guy has never gave me bad advice on anything.
8. Three words that best describe you?
Fun, trusting, determined.
9. Cartoon character crush: Who was, or is, yours?
Not so much an animated cartoon, but a comic book character -SANDMAN. :)
10. The world is ending in ten minutes, and you get to listen to one - and only one - song: Which song do you choose?
I don't think I would care at that point, lol.
Find out more about Nina at her website: Facebook and Myspace.
Current work for sale can be found here.
I would like to thank Nina for participating in the Keep Art Alive :: The Ten Questions Project, and for being inspirational to my work, and writing.
Go now go and check out more of her work, and buy something if you can.
Keep Art Alive and show your support.
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